

Mel and I went to see Poseidon this afternoon. It was the first time we have gone to a movie since February. We both enjoyed the movie. We saw a made-for-TV remake of The Poseidon Adventure a few months ago on TV. Then this movie came out. I wonder why there has been so much desire to remake this movie right now. Anyway, knowing what the movie was about, nothing came as too much of a surprise. However, the overall idea of the movie, a cruise ship tips over and people try to get to the bottom which is now the top too escape, left the writer with a lot of options when writing this remake. There was a lot of intense action which was what I was expecting from the movie. The added bonus of seeing Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas performing in a low cut dress was not expected, but fine just the same.


Anonymous said...

So, am I to take it that you weren't expecting to see Fergie's humps? Her humps, her humps, her lovely lady lumps?

Anonymous said...

AAARRRRGGGHHHH!!!! You did not just go on about lovely lady lumps and humps.

Btw, has anyone wondered how long they've been waiting to release a remake of The Omen on 6-6-06??? How cheezy can you get?

Aaron said...

I was half expecting her to sing that Homercles. Nevertheless, I did check 'em out.