
Cutting the Cable

A little later this morning, I need to find the Mediacom office so I can turn in our digital cable box. Since moving to Cedar Rapids, we have had cable service through Mediacom for just about one year. During that time we had a promotional price. The amount of money that we would have been spending on cable TV and internet would have jumped up quite a bit tomorrow. After some consideration, we decided to make the switch to satellite television and DSL. We got a deal through Qwest, our local phone company, to get DIRECTV, DSL, and phone service with unlimited long distance for a less than we would be paying once our cable rates would have increased. With the DIRECTV we got a DVR receiver which is really nice. The DSL connection is a little slower than the cable internet connection that we did have, but it’s nothing we can’t live with. It will also be nice to be getting all of these services with one bill. That will make paying bills a bit easier.


Anonymous said...

Jo and Dave have satalite at the house, it always cut out...I hated that thing when I watched their house. Never could figure out how two people with the money to spend on their toys could have such crappy reception...

Anonymous said...

I don't care what she says, I love our Directv. Yes, it cuts out when it's raining really hard. But the local channels still come through and that is more important than HBO at that point.