I have been suffering from a cold for the past few days and I was very tired last night, so I went to bed at 8:30! Unfortunately, I was awoken by a phone call about an hour later from Ana, my friend in Las Vegas. I enjoy talking to her on the phone, but I was just so tired, and not completely awake, so I'll have to call her back tonight. It was tough getting through the day at work yesterday being sick, but I managed. I really don't get sick too often. I considered using a sick day, but it is such a pain to have lesson plans that a sub can follow and expect my AP Calculus students to actually be prepared for a test later this week if I am gone. Most substitute teachers are not qualified to teach that.
Anyway, I tried to post this last night, but Blogger didn't seem to be working. I found this test on Matt's blog (thanks for linking to me, by the way) which is intended to determine who I should support for president. Here are my results:
1. Your ideal theoretical candidate. (100%) Click here for info
2. Cobb, David - Green Party (87%) Click here for info
3. Nader, Ralph - Independent (87%) Click here for info
4. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (82%) Click here for info
5. Brown, Walt - Socialist Party (75%) Click here for info
6. Badnarik, Michael - Libertarian (32%) Click here for info
7. Bush, President George W. - Republican (12%) Click here for info
8. Peroutka, Michael - Constitution Party (10%) Click here for info
I was a little surprised that the Green Party candidate and Ralph Nader came up first on my list, but my choice for president came up right behind. Maybe I should have listened to Homercles and voted for Nader. :-)
Thanks as well by the way for adding me to your blogroll and thanks to homercles for leading me here in the first place.
Sorry I woke you up. Btw, don't call tonight. I'll be on a date. Talk to you later this week. Ana
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