Fox News Covers Protesters in Denver
With everything we put into our house in Cedar Rapids, I hope the new owners manage to take care of it. I especially hope they don't lose the house to foreclosure. That could hurt the neighborhood, and we had some terrific neighbors there on Sheridan Drive in Cedar Rapids. I am concerned though because the buyers were participating in a down payment assistance program in which we, the sellers, provided some of the money for their down payment. If they didn't have the money for the down payment, I don't know how they can afford the house. I guess time will show if they make things work out.
After checking out the zoo, we went to the pavilion where the picnic was being help. I was able to meet several of Mel's coworkers, and we had some good food. Emma even enjoyed sliding down the inflatable slide that they had set up in the park.
The Great Minnesota Get-Together
Mostly, we just wandered around looking at the various exhibits. The first thing we did was to go to the Miracle of Birth Center. There we saw a newborn lamb and its mother. We also saw a cow that was starting to go into labor. However, Emma grew a bit impatient as we watched the cow, so we had to leave before the calf was born.
In all, we spent about four or five hours wandering around the fairgrounds. This gave us the opportunity to try a wide variety of the foods that were offered at the fair.
We had some deep fried cheese curds. They were very good, although Mel told me that at her Weight Watchers meeting last week they learned that just three of the cheese curds would be 11 Weight Watchers Points.
I also tried the hot dish on a stick. It was alright, but not my favorite of the foods I had at the fair.
We all had some mini doughnuts. Emma really liked them.
Mel and I also had some pepperoni pizza on a stick. It was pretty tasty as well.
It seemed that everywhere we turned at the fair, there was some other food being offered on a stick. One other food that was not on a stick that we felt we had to try was Sweet Martha's Cookies. We had heard from multiple sources that the chocolate chip cookies there were absolutely wonderful, so we had to check them out for ourselves. We ended up buying the tub of cookies. Now they fill this cookie tub significantly past its top, so it was good that Mel thought to bring along a Ziploc bag in which to put the overflow cookies so we could close the lid on the tub. I suppose we could have eaten the pile of fresh-from-the-oven chocolate chip cookies down to the top of the tub, but that probably would have been a bad idea. I think it is better that we savor the cookies over the next several days, if not longer.
Next year when Emma is a bit older, maybe we will have to take her on some of the rides, such as the giant slide. I guess we'll have to wait until next summer for that though.
2:37 A.M.
Welcome to Minneapolis/St. Paul

Mall Walking
More Fun Videos
This first one is The Muppet Show's Beaker performing Beethoven's Ode to Joy.
The other video is titled "Where in Iowa is Jeff?" It shows a man, named Jeff, dancing in various locations in Iowa. I first saw this video on the blog Law & Disorder.
Cute Video
Recap of the Past Week
We spent the evening at my mother's house along with my sister. Then on Sunday, we stopped at Mel's grandmother's house which was on our way home from Waterloo, where my mother lives. We spent a few hours there. We had brought KFC chicken and biscuits with us, so once again I ate a bit too much. However, when I checked my weight for my weekly weigh-in on Wednesday, I had actually lost 0.6 pound since the previous Wednesday.
With my weight hovering around 205 pounds for the past several months, I decided I am going to change my goal with Weight Watchers to maintain this current weight rather than trying to lose any additional weight. I think it would be nice to get my weight down to 195 pounds, but I do not feel unhealthy at my current weight, and my clothes fit, for the most part.
Not much else eventful happened this week. Well, I guess I could mention the hour or so I spent at a Verizon location to get my cell phone replaced as it had broken last weekend. Fortunately, the Verizon employee replaced it under the phone's warranty. The outer plastic of the phone cracked by the hinge, causing the flip part to have difficulties staying closed. They could have said that the crack was because of misuse, but the rest of the phone looked good, so he considered to have just failed. So I now have a new, although identical to my previous one, cell phone. However, I did lose the ringtones I downloaded.
New Fish

Update: Thanks to some research by my brother-in-law, the unknown fish has been identified as a black-banded leporinus (Leporinus fasciatus).
Back to the Science Museum
Also at the Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination, we saw a model of the landspeeder from Star Wars that was used for far away shots. Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi kind of look like Ken dolls.
Below is a photo of me with the C-3PO costume from Revenge of the Sith.
And finally, here's a photo of the head of the Tusken Raider (aka Sand Person) costume.
A New Crib
I'm Batman. No, I'm Batman.
Taking the Test
Star Wars at the Science Museum
Restocking the Aquarium
Several months ago, the pump that came with the aquarium broke and our local pet store didn't have a replacement, so I replaced it with a different pump. The replacement pump worked, but it didn't fit in the aquarium well and it made cleaning it more difficult. So earlier this week, I looked online and found the parts that I needed to put a pump like the original one in the aquarium. The parts arrived today and I was looking forward to getting the aquarium set up tonight so I could get some fish in a few days. However, I just discovered that the company I ordered the parts from sent the wrong pump. It looks like they sent the pump for an Eclipse 6 system when I have an Eclipse 2. There is no way this pump will work. I will call them up tomorrow to speak with them about sending the pump back and getting the correct one. Hopefully it can arrive soon as I would like to have some fish in my office to keep me company during the day when I am working.