Kinky Little Sex Shop
Now, if you know my friend Anna (I know Homercles does), you may have an idea where this is leading. Anna works for a company in Las Vegas that manufactures and sells equipment that uses electrical pulses for the purpose of sexual stimulation. These are not your everyday typical sex toys. They sell devices that get attached to or inserted into various parts of the human anatomy for the purpose of sexual stimulation. They also sell latex clothing and S&M devices, but that’s a different story. Anyway, Anna wanted me to purchase a device from a company in England. From what I know about these products, the device was a conductive flexible loop that is supposed to be looped around someone’s penis (maybe more, but I am not sure) then hooked up to a box that sends a pulsing electrical current through it. I'm sure she will leave a comment if I am incorrect in my description of the item
Apparently there has been a lawsuit between the company Anna works for and the one in England. I guess the settlement of the lawsuit prohibits the English company from shipping the device to address in the United States. Anna’s company wanted to make sure they were holding up their end of the agreement, so she needed someone who couldn’t easily be connected with them to order it to see if they shipped the item. I placed an order, but it was cancelled. So I guess they are abiding by the agreement. It was the first, and probably last, time I ever ordered a product of that type.
RAGBRAI Overnight Towns Announced
We'll be starting the ride in Sergeant Bluff. I had a college roommate from there. This will be the first time that RAGBRAI has begun there.
The overnight towns will be:
- Ida Grove
- Audubon
- Waukee
- Newton
- Friday
- Marengo
- Coralville
The ride will end in Muscatine. In 2001, my second RAGBRAI, the last day went from Coralville to Marengo. If the route out of town is the same as that year, we'll be passing by the place in Iowa City where I work on Highway 1.
In 2001 I was living in Coralville. The main campground was in the city park located just a few blocks from my apartment. It was really nice because my dad, our friends from Texas, and I were able to stay the last night in my air conditioned apartment. I have a coworker who lives in Coralville. Perhaps she will let us stay at her house. I'll have to remember to ask her tomorrow.
Time to Exercise
There's still time to bid on the Super Nintendo. The auction doesn't end until some time after 11:00 a.m. Central time on Monday. The bidding is now up to $51, but don't let the price scare you off. You'll enjoy hours of gaming fun with this wonderful device.
Super Nintendo for Sale
I am including several SNES games with it:
- Tetris Attack
- Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island
- Donkey Kong Country
- Clay Fighter 2 - C2: Judgment Clay
- Super Mario All-Stars (Includes the games Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels, Super Mario Bros. 2, and Super Mario Bros. 3)
- NBA Jam Tournament Edition
- Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - Starship Bridge Simulator
- Super Return of the Jedi
- Populous
- Ms. Pac-Man
- Donkey Kong
- Donkey Kong Land
- Arcade Classic 4: Defender & Joust
The bidding starts at $24.99. So if anyone is interested, check out the eBay listing.
Sorry about the blatant use of my blog for advertising this, but I figure that more exposure to this auction can only be a good thing.
A Wasted Day
I was supposed to have a doctor appointment today for a routine physical, but I got a phone call from the doctor's office informing me that my doctor will be stuck at the hospital all day, so I had to reschedule my appointment. Now I have me entire day wide open. There are a few things that I should do around the house. In the fall I removed some bushes from the front of our house. I had been disposing of the brush from the bushes in our yard waste container for several weeks afterward until it was covered with snow. Once the snow melted, it has been too dark by the time I get home from work to cut up the remaining brush to get it to fit into the container. Also, I need to rearrange some furniture in the basement to make room for the NordicTrack elliptical trainer that we bought at Sears yesterday. It is supposed to arrive on Thursday. This will really make exercising much easier.
A Night Out
The Sun!
Wrestling Tournament
Happy New Year!
Anyway, we are back. Mel and I had a pretty busy day with our day off from work. We went to the Coral Ridge Mall to do some shopping. Mel needed to return a gift she had received from a friend to Dillard's but we don't have one in Cedar Rapids. We spent quite a bit of time at the mall. Besides exchanging the gift she had for something else, we bought some calendars on sale and a few clearance Christmas supplies. We stopped at Best Buy. Mel had wanted to buy the fifth season of CSI on DVD, but Best Buy was charging $99.99 for it! She wanted it, but not that badly. Fortunately we were able to find it at Target for about $65. She felt that was a much more reasonable price. Of course, I'll still end up spending about $100 myself to buy the second season of Star Trek. But I am going to wait until I get a coupon for 10% off on DVDs. I also received quite a few Best Buy gift cards for Christmas.
I didn't end up getting many presents that I needed to return. One thing that I do have to return however is the extra copy of Monty Python's Life of Brian that I got this weekend. I got it from both my parents-in-law and from my sister-in-law. Both of them had ordered it from Amazon.com, so returning it is going to be a bit of a pain. I need an order number from one of them, and then I'll end up eating the shipping cost of sending it back. I think I will end up sending everyone a different list next year to avoid duplicate gifts.
Now it wouldn't be a proper new year if I didn't make a resolution or two. One of my resolutions for the new year is to get back into losing some weight, and maintaining the weight loss once it is achieved. From May 2004 until January 2005, I managed to lose 33 pounds. I kept most of it off until the spring when Mel and I moved into my parents' house after selling my house in Waterloo in anticipation of moving to Cedar Rapids. Now my weight is back up to just eleven pounds below where I was before I started watching my weight. My goal is to lose 33 pounds between now and August 21, bringing my weight to under 200 pounds for the first time in quite a while. That will mean that I need to lose just one pound per week. But that's not enough. I then have the goal of maintaining the weight-loss for the remainder of the year.
In order to achieve this goal, I am going to need to get back into exercising regularly. Today Mel and I cleaned up the room in our house that has the Bowflex in it. It still is being used as a shelf for a few things, but by the end of the week, I should be able to use it to exercise. I've been using the fact that it's winter as an excuse not to go walking, but the weather hasn't really been all that bad. I could probably go out and walk some. That is part of the reason that I bought the iPod nano after all.
I should be able to accomplish my goal of weight loss if I commit myself to it. I made it a realistically achievable goal and it is a measurable goal, so I should be able to do it.